Tuesday, May 31, 2011


What is causing the quarrels and fights among you? Don't they come from the evil desires at war within you? James 4:1

Pain is inevitable in our lives. In every painful situationwe will face, God give us an opportunity to trust that He will not only get us through it but help is grow deeper in trust and understanding of Him through it. Even when people do hurtful things to you, God has a plan to turn your experiences into something positive. Pain CAN do more that just HURT.

Make a decision to want what God wants, not what you want and then prepare to move on to your next assignment.

If you dont want pain to just hurt or to linger, it's time to Do Something and trust that God knows what He's doing!

Do Something Activity: What was the last painful situation you can remember? Remember and focus on ONE positive lesson that came out of it. 

*Share that lesson with someone today and Be BLESSED

DO Something Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You for faithfully bringing me through my trials.  Thank You for the lessons You have taught me,  Please bring a hurting person into my life today whom I can bless with my story of trust.

God LOVES You and So do I!

Have a VISION Inspired Day!

The Vision Coach