Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Create your 2011 VISION BOARD

As 2010 is coming to an end, now is the time to start creating your VISION for 2011.  Many times we have lots of great ideas and plans floating around in our head, but that's exactly where they stay, in our head.  A VISION BOARD is a creative way that you can take steps to begin to bring your vision to reality.  
A vision board is a excellent way to keep your goals in front of you and creates a visual focal point with all your goals in one place.  For many years I used a vision board to create and track weekly, monthly and yearly goals, not just for business but also for personal, spiritual and family goals.  My kids loved to hold me accountable to the things that I said I wanted to achieve, especially when they got to reap the benefits too.  I always had a special place on the board where they put pictures of what they wanted to get in return for helping me stay focused and committed to my goals.  Now that they are older, they get the magazines and catalogues and make their own goal posters/ vision boards.  
So what are you waiting for? Are you ready to bring your vision to reality in 2011?  Here are some simple steps to get you started: You will be on your way to reaching your goals in no time.  

5 Steps To Creating Your Vision Board

  1. Get yourself to a quiet place
  2. Imagine that it is now the end of 2011 and you are reflecting back on your accomplishments for the year
  3. Write down a list — brainstorm freely at first
  4. Now highlight the top 3-5 things you really want to focus on for the year
  5. Cut, draw, and paste images that represent your goals onto a poster board (you can even make a miniature version on an index card to carry with you)
That’s it!  Now set a date to get the board finished

ref: www.bepromotable.com