Thursday, December 23, 2010

Tis the Season!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Cant find a parking space, long lines in the stores, everyone is in a hurry to buy last minute gifts, making sure to buy for everyone on their list. Retailers have extended their store hours and still we can't seem to find enough time to get everything done.  We enjoy good times with friends at  Holiday office parties and our menu is already planned for dinner with family on Christmas day. Is this what Christmas looks like for you?  

Tonight at bible study I reminded the children of what Christmas is really about. A father that LOVED us so much that He gave the most precious gift of all, His only son Jesus.  Wouldn't it be great if instead of focusing on giving gifts to everyone else, we gave back to Our heavenly father the one thing He gave us? Our Life.  God gave His only son, Jesus to this earth so that He could die and give us life.  Simply put Jesus was born to die. It's such a wonderful feeling to watch loved ones open the wonderful gifts we've picked out especially for them, the smile on their face is worth all the long lines and crowed malls.  But imagine how God feels as he watches us so carefully planning and preparing to give to everyone else and we have nothing left for him, the one who gave us everything.  This Christmas before you unwrap gifts, remember to take time to give Thanks to the one who gave us the greatest gift of all.

“The giving of gifts is not something man invented.  God started the giving spree when he gave a gift beyond words, the unspeakable gift of His Son.”  
[Robert Flatt]

Take time to celebrate CHRIST, He's the Reason for the Season

Merry CHRISTmas Visionaries!