Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 2: On the Journey, DO SOMETHING!


Make Jesus the LOVER of your Soul!
You be Juliet and let Him be Romeo.

John 14:23 Jesus answered and said to him, "If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him"

What is the fastest way to being blessed by God? Keep His GREAT commandment to love God and love your neighbor.  Loving God is NOT emotionally based, it is very specific and very simple.  To Love God is to OBEY God. 

If loving God is obeying His commandments,
loving someone else is helping them obey God.

Love does not have an emotional opt out clause, that says I can obey when I feel like it.  Love is a commitment, NOT an emotion. Jesus gave his life NOT because of his emotional attachment to someone or something, but because of OBEDIENCE.  Phil. 2:3-8 He humbled Himself  and died on the cross out of OBEDIENCE.  His obedient act is what makes our obedient act possible.

We all have a unique work to do, but whatever we do, it should be done out of obedience to God. When we really love someone we will do whatever we can to stay true to that love. When you make God the lover of your soul, it is easy to obey his will, because you know He wants whats best for us. That is the greatest commandment, that is our God-given purpose.

DO SOMETHING activity:  Identify one area of your life that you know is disobedient to God.  Then write down the first step you can take to bring this area back into obedience to Him.

DO SOMETHING prayer:  Dear Lord, I want to love You with all of my heart. Please reveal to me those areas of my life that are disobedient to You.  Please give me clear direction through Your word, other people, and  the leading of Your Holy Spirit on how to bring and keep my life into obedience to You.

I will obey God, by becoming more disciplined in my life purpose and ministry.  I have good days and then I have not so good days.  On the good days, I do everything I'm suppose to do.  I wake up early and start my day with prayer, devotion and study time.  On the days I just never seem to have enough time for God, everything is a rush, finally before I fall into bed after doing everything I wanted to do, including watching my favorite shows, I remember oops! I need to give God time.  I WILL NOT MAKE GOD AN AFTER-THOUGHT IN MY DAY. I WILL LOVE AND OBEY THE LEADING OF HIS SPIRIT BEFORE MY FEET HIT THE FLOOR.

I am excited about this journey to DO SOMETHING and make my life count!

I LOVE You and God does too!

Have a Vision Inspired Day,

Monique Spence
The Vision Coach

*Excerpts from the book: Do Something, Make your Life count by Miles McPherson